Bike Benzie

If you find yourself in northern Michigan the first weekend in June, this is a ride not to be missed. Although this year it rained the day of the ride, and I learned how much water my bike shoes can hold, there is nothing better than a day in paradise. Bike Benzie raises money for the Benzie Sunshine Rotary so it is a great cause. It can be a ride or a race – select your distance and start at Crystal Mountain. The things worth racing for are the homemade granola bars made with the local area cherries found at the rest stop and the cherry pie at the finish line.

Bike Benzie
Meet the Chevy and the
all purpose Trek the Fx Hybrid
Sleeping Bear Dune Climb –
Established as a National Park 1970
Peirce Stocking Drive
Takes your breath away!
And the sign says “At your own risk – 10 min down
2 hours back up” It is 100% true – I tested it

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