Category: Rides/Races Fun

Sleeping Bear Heritage Trail

Another beautiful day in northern country for a bike journey. The journey starts with a short trip down a gravel road with signs posted that it is one of the most scenic roads in...

7/3/2020 TART trail TC to Suttons Bay

7/3/2020 TART trail TC to Suttons Bay

A great day to start a new adventure. Captain America tunes up the bike for the hot summer ride. And the adventure begins! The maps along the trail. Apparently, TART supports the local wine...

Quarantine Rides

Two sisters and one son (nephew) separated by thousands of miles share a quarantine bike ride.  Fitting in a ride from the plan created by the Jacques DeVore and Roy Wallack authors of Bicycling...

Birthday Celebration Bike Ride

The year has been one of suffering pain in the left leg and foot. I am hopeful that eventually, I will be able to sleep thru the night without it waking me. But it...

National Spoil Your Dog Day Sept 2019

I thought this was every day. However, the radio announcer informed all listeners that there is an official spoil your dog day. I asked Izzy what she wanted, and she chose to go swimming...

Chelanman 2019

Team “No Slacking” completes the sprint relay in a time of 1:55:29.

Bike Benzie

If you find yourself in northern Michigan the first weekend in June, this is a ride not to be missed. Although this year it rained the day of the ride, and I learned how...