Points of interest from the Porcupine Mountains to Chelan.

As the trip begins, I search for the biggest ball of yarn. In my not so distant past, when traveling, travel was about the destination, not the journey. Solo travel allows the trip to be about the journey. In fact, the journey can be as exciting if not more than the destination. Thus, I decided that if I found the “biggest ball of yarn,” I was going to stop. The following pictures are from the journey.

The world’s largest hockey stick located in Eveleth Minnesota near the U.S. Hockey Hall of Fame found on none other than Hat Trick Ave. I did not tour the Hall of Fame as anyone that knows me knows that there is only one hockey player in my life that belongs in the hall of fame. It was a young boy that came to me and said -“I am going to break the school record for the most goals in a season.” Of course – the answer is I support you all the way – from 10 goals in a junior year to 54 in a senior year, and he did break the school record that is a hockey player that deserves in the hall of fame. But now, as proud as I was of him then, that pride only grows as he has gone from being the captain of the hockey team his senior year to a Captain in the U.S. Army.

The legendary Paul Bunyan and Blue
Salem Sue – could not get a close enough for a good photo as a country concert was happening in the park and all places to park were in use. A shot taken from the corner gas station.
World’s largest Sand Hill Crane

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