
Life is crazy. Craziness happened in my life. My bank accounts got hacked and drained; a totally unexpected event. According to the Stoic philosopher, Seneca, “Being unexpected adds to the weight of a disaster, and being a surprise has never failed to increase a person’s pain.” We have probably watched the same commercial about identity theft. But the theft isn’t really your identity, you are still you. It is a monetary theft against you and against the banking industry. Nonetheless, you should be prepared to wake up one day and find yourself hacked. To deal with it, figure out only what is in your control and take care of those things. Then, go find peace. So today, I found peace in a local park with both the sun and the moon present. A journey without bikes. A slow stroll along the river banks to soothe the soul with my faithful companion “Izzy”.

At the park, the swans were demonstrating pure grace.

Then there was the chase and the after chase.

And a duck stood above the cold water trying to get dinner without getting his little orange feet wet.

Although most of my wanderings are in search of the perfect daisy, the warm Feb afternoon yielded only skeletons of flowers from ago. However, these skeletons give promise for the arrival of new flowers to come in the changing of the seasons.

The trail and being followed by the magic moon brings peace. But then, the turmoil in our lives is usually brought on by our thoughts and behaviors. In particular, trying to control what you cannot control. Does the river try to control its flow? Does it worry about what’s beyond the next bend? We need to learn the lesson from the river and just flow.

Difficult to read since written in a shade of brown on brown. So much truth in the quote – “I have a room all to myself; it is nature” Thoreau

No matter what happens, I will never find myself sleeping on thin ice!!!!

And just so we don’t get too comfortable with the warm weather. A picture of Izzy after completing several of her snow angels out in the yard.

Com’ on Somebody let me in!!!!

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