The Sister’s in Chelan

There was no camping this year. It was condo at the park. Work got in the way of everyone being able to spend the entire week. Sad, but not sad. In chatting, the last time that these sisters had spent any time alone was 1987. The days went by way too fast. Each day was very relaxed – breakfast, bike ride, to a local vineyard for lunch and time in the sun in the afternoon. Lake Chelan area is very similar to Grand Traverse Bay – clear, cold, blue water surrounded by cherry orchards and vineyards.

Every faculty meeting should be held here!
Fireplace with stones from Italy at Tsillum Vineyard

And one afternoon after a bike ride and lunch, time is taken to enjoy a concert in the park at the river in downtown Chelan.

And if you know anything about these sisters, you know that they can cook! Dining at it’s finest

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