The Tetons
There are no words to describe the Grand Tetons. There is beauty in every direction. A place I would return to in a heartbeat. In these mountains, I learned a lot about me. I am terrified of heights. My camping neighbors told me to be sure not to miss the inspiration point. Thus, I went to see the destination. About halfway up to the top of the mountain, I had to argue with my primitive brain that was telling me you have gone far enough, a picture from here would be acceptable. After all, no one would know you didn’t go to the top. Then the big cerebral cortex entered into the conversation, telling the primitive brain that was trying to keep me safe that I was indeed on solid ground. After a few moments, the cerebral cortex won the argument. But I hugged the mountainside of the trail to the top. It wasn’t much – just a 400-foot ascent in less than 1/2 mile. Enjoy inspiration point and the photos from other areas of the Tetons.
Campsite at Buffalo Valley Resort
Standing guard at my campsite Sharing breakfast with me
The journey to inspiration point and hidden falls.

My amygdala did not want to go. But thank goodness for a cerebral cortex.
The view was beautiful.

I will dance for food! I will beg for food! The last kid here gave me an apple!!! (This little guy made the man next to me scream like a girl when he climbed into his lap looking for food.
The scary trail!!!!! And you can’t even close you eye!
Easy A little more difficult A little harder And it gets steeper yet! You find out what you’re made of! But couldn’t walk and take pictures – yes call me mountain hugger.
Signal Mountain – I was certain there was a historical story about Indians and settlers. Boy was I wrong but the view was extraordinary.
Here is the history of Signal Mountain. Not surprising I had cell reception here?

Snake River
The Tetons from various places on the road.

And of course there were flowers.
Where the bison roam? Any where they want. Can you say Bison traffic jam? One day they decided grass was greener on the other side of the road. Hope you brought a good book – there were a lot of bison that wanted to cross the road and they did not yield to any car.